PPC Promotion Campaigns

What is Pay-per-Click?

PPC or Pay-Per-Click campaigns represent one of the most well-known, stable and efficient methods of promotion. Basically, it is paid strictly for the user who clicked on the ad and who, implicitly, reached the page of your website or store.

The main promotion channels

Facebook ADS

Google ADS

Instagram ADS

Facebook ADS

One of the most effective promotion channels for your business can be even the most popular social network!
47 Web Design specialists know that the most important aspect for the success of a Facebook ADS campaign is to address only potential users who are interested in your services or products!

Through the ads promoted on Facebook, you will be able to get a real source of traffic, and potential customers directly interested in the products or services related to your field of activity.
We will establish clear and precise objectives, depending on what you want to promote (products or services)
After analyzing the objectives of your business, we create a sustainable marketing plan through which we evaluate the relevant parameters of the page you own, create an audience specific to the public and the targeted locations and establish the allocated budget for running a Facebook Ads campaign, which will generate results performance for your business.
Afterwards, we use the analyzed data to optimize the campaign as adequately as possible by following the behavior of the users, demographic data as well as the most effective hours, in which there were interactions with the post!

Google ADS

Google ADS is among the first types of PPC campaigns that are used, providing results to millions of clients who use this type of promotion.
The main advantage of a Google Adwords campaign consists in the different methods of attracting the attention of the target audience through messages with text, graphic or video content, or Smart campaigns that include all these methods!
Campaigns must be properly optimized so that your ads are displayed only to effectively targeted potential customers, to avoid high costs and irrelevant clicks.
Using the necessary analysis tools, the Google analytics platform offers us valuable information about the visitors obtained as a result of the campaigns, so that we can adapt the campaign according to the analysis.

At the same time, we work on the quality score of the campaigns, so that the target page is well optimized in relation to the ad, in order to have a cost-per-click (CPC) as low as possible.

Instagram ADS

Marketing on Instagram brings your brand as close as possible to the center of interests of potential customers.
Instagram is a visual social network by definition, therefore it is perfect for promoting businesses in the simplest way based on stories, pictures and videos.
Promoting on Instagram means transmitting positive experiences through the creation of the best quality visual content and successful partnerships with influencers.
We can implement personalized Instagram ADS campaigns for you, adapted for leads or sales, so that you reach your goals as quickly as possible!
We deliver creative, optimized campaigns, so that you can exclusively target your target audience in the fastest possible way.
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